Annual report 2024

Kia ora koutou and welcome to our 2024 AGM In my first AGM I incorporated the whakatauki, ‘Mā whero, mā pango ka oti ai te mahi which means: With red and black the work will be complete.’ And that’s as true now as it was 2 years ago-our club succeeds because we all contribute be it putting rubbish out, running the bar, watering the plants, sending results to the paper, emptying the dishwasher, dealing the cards-and organising/reminding the dealers, setting up for the night and then printing our results, directing and convening each session, teaching our learners and the many daily tasks carried out to keep our club going.

AGM 8 September

The AGM is on Sunday 8 September at 10.30 am. Please attend-it should be only 45 minutes. We require 20 attendees to make our AGM valid. If you're unable to attend, please add your name to the list of apologies at the front of our room.

This is followed by a presentation from our major sponsor Willets Funeral Homes, a shared lunch at 12 and our fun Spring Fling Tournament at 1pm

Cambridge Sixes tournament

Our team shone in the Cambridge Sixes tournament last weekend where the theme was sports. The team went as Team USA sporting five shirts which read NO TRUMP and one saying YES HARRIS! 

The team’s overall position was 7 out of 38 teams of which we can be well proud! Open players Tom Henwood and Bobbi Drysdale 26th, Intermediates Jenny Elgar and Derek Moores 7th and Juniors Sue Gordon and Claire Barkla 10th.

8B Restricted Tournament

On a beautiful Winter's day, we hosted the 8B tournament with 12 tables and what a fabulous day it was too. We had many  comments about the amazing food-the soup variety was impressive and the morning/afternoon tea so tasty- and the excellent service from our team of dedicated kitchen volunteers.

Immense thanks to you all for helping make this day so successful. We raised an impressive $2041!  And we did scoop the pool with a number of prizes:

Top open/junior Jane Gebert and mum Margaret

3rd overall Rex and Joyce

Bay Teams' Event

The Bay Teams' Event was held in Rotorua yesterday and we came a creditable 3rd overall. Thanks so much to all 12 participants for a very big day out. 

This ladder shows 3 of our pairs came in the top 10!


Bay Pairs in Te Puke

Whakatane Club-one of the smallest in the Bay-made up one of the largest contingents in the final Bay Pairs on  very wet Sunday in Te Puke with 12 of us competing.

Jane and Steve Searle came 4th overall 🍷; Bobbi and Ian 2nd on the day, Jenny E and Tom 5th and Joyce and Rex took home the top intermediate pairs prize-fabulous results!

Find a Partner - Monday Night

Hi Everyone

If you haven't got a partner and want to play on a Monday night we now have a new way of finding a partner for you. 

Just email me your details at or text 027 4903010, and I will send an email out to everyone on the Monday night email list. The person who would like to play with you will contact you directly.

Please include your phone number and/or email address.  Unless you state it is for a three night competition, we will assume it is only for the next Monday night.

Class of 24

Congratulations to our class of 24 who graduate into the club on July 1. There are 3 not in this pic who are travelling the world but will return to play.

Huge thanks to our wonderful tutor Bobbi and to the many of you who have come along to support our learners on a Thursday evening.

Let's give them a mighty welcome when they arrive; remember to be encouraging and sparse with your advice 😎

Sponsors' thank you

This month we are showing our sponsors appreciation by taking them baking or some other lovely treat.

Willets, our major sponsor, showed how much they liked their baking with this photo on their webpage.

Thanks to you all for supporting our sponsors.
