Beginner Lessons

Bridge Lessons

We try to run beginners lessons every year, dependent on interest. The lessons are held in the evenings ( 7 p.m) at our clubrooms and run for 10 weeks. In 2025 they will start on 27 Feb. If you are interested, please contact one of the committee members below. To register interest or find out more please phone / text      Chris 027 424 3132 or Jenny 027 648 8838

If this timing is not suitable, please contact one of the committee for options

Prize Giving and Christmas Dinner


Trophy Winners for 2024


Champion Pairs  Richmond Trophy - Linda Browne and Sue Clark

Champion Singles Hawken Trophy - Allan McDougall

Ladder Morpeth Trophy - Sue Clark

Osborne Trophy - Karen Campbell


Champion Pairs Riet Jansen Trophy -  Joyce Reid and Jane Searle

Champion Singles W.C.B.C. Rose Bowl - Jean Sims

Ladder Thomson Trophy -  Stephen Searle


Melbourne Cup 2024

It was lovely to see a good turn out for the Melbourne Cup and all the beautiful outfits and hats.  Lee Willetts and Maureen Gibbs won best dressed and Sue Clark won the best home made hat.  Unfortunately we haven't got any photos of Lee and Maureen (sorry Ladies).  

The new tablecloths were unveiled for the day.  Colleen Campbell very kindly donated the money for these and Jenny Jones and her team sewed them.  A great team effort.

Thank you to all who  made it a successful event and helped raise money for the SPCA.

Eric Burnie

Eric Burnie not only loved bridge but jigsaws.  The Friday Bridge team finished this very difficult one that Eric had worked on.  

Eric’s funeral is 11am Tuesday 1st October at Hillcrest Cemetery with refreshments at Whakatane Bridge Club after.

Vale Eric.

Eric Burnie

Dear Bridge  Members,

It is with a heavy heart that I write to inform you that Eric Burnie died Friday morning,  

HIs funeral is next Tuesday (1st October) 11am at the Hillcrest Cemetery, the Natural Burial Section, followed by refreshments at the Whakatane Bridge Club.  We would like a good turn out by our Bridge fraternity to farewell Eric.

Annual report 2024

Kia ora koutou and welcome to our 2024 AGM In my first AGM I incorporated the whakatauki, ‘Mā whero, mā pango ka oti ai te mahi which means: With red and black the work will be complete.’ And that’s as true now as it was 2 years ago-our club succeeds because we all contribute be it putting rubbish out, running the bar, watering the plants, sending results to the paper, emptying the dishwasher, dealing the cards-and organising/reminding the dealers, setting up for the night and then printing our results, directing and convening each session, teaching our learners and the many daily tasks carried out to keep our club going.

AGM 8 September

The AGM is on Sunday 8 September at 10.30 am. Please attend-it should be only 45 minutes. We require 20 attendees to make our AGM valid. If you're unable to attend, please add your name to the list of apologies at the front of our room.

This is followed by a presentation from our major sponsor Willets Funeral Homes, a shared lunch at 12 and our fun Spring Fling Tournament at 1pm